
Pretty Pictures ~ Jim Arnosky

   Babies in the Bayou was written and illustrated by the incredibly talented and knowledgeable Jim Arnosky.  Jim is an outdoorsman with a love for travel and music and an award-winning author and illustrator of over 150 books.  Self-taught in writing, art, and the natural sciences, his career is what I aspire to. 

   This is a gorgeous picture book recommended for ages 3-7! I found the following wonderful review here on Kirkus Reviews:


Lately at the Library ~ Pirates, The Circus, and a Salamander

Photo Source

   Life is all about timing.  And often times, we go to the library or the bookstore and an otherwise amazing book doesn't get the attention it deserves because there is one burning so bright in my daughters' eyes that no other can compete.  These are a few that fell through the cracks this time, but are good enough to be re-introduced later!


Liebster Blog Award

   First of all, I want to thank all of our readers for showing so much love and support!  When I started blogging I was embarrassed to be putting it all out there and shocked anyone cared about what I had to say.   But it has been really beneficial in being able to connect with other moms and I am so grateful to everyone who stops by (even the haters...thanks for the traffic)!  Whether it's a comment from the author of a book I reviewed, When a Dragon Moves In, or a private message from a stranger, it means the world to me!  I have heard that my stories have touched a chord in some of you and even helped a few on a rainy day.  The only (shared) criticisms have been consistent in expressing I don't post enough.  I'm working on new series that I can execute without turning into novels so I can post more often.  Look for *Special Sights* (focusing on cool websites I've recently discovered), *Lately at the Library* (for a rundown of our favorite storytimes or books we've checked out), *Pretty Pictures* (to showcase some favorite illustrations), and *Blueberry Martini Books* (an extension of our children's Blueberry Books into parenting books for adults) soon!

   But most of all, I need to thank Lee Schaef from A Wednesday Child for nominating this blog for a Liebster Award!  It means so much to know someone is thinking about you.  "Liebster" means favorite or beloved in German and the award is given to recognize up-and-coming blogs with fewer than 200 subscribers.  Thank you to Lee for weeding through so many blogs and raising us up so more can get involved in reading to their littles! 



   Last fall, when I started to have my first rumblings of being drawn to write and the realization that I have a passion for children's books, my daughter's preschool had a teeny, tiny book fair set up in the foyer.  I bought a few books to add to our ever-growing mini library.  WADDLE!, written and illustrated by Rufus Butler Seder, stood out on the shelf that day and has been outstanding in entertaining and educating my children ever since!


Dear God . . .

   Max Lucado, author of bestseller Outlive Your Life, volume editor Stella Gurney, and author/illustrator Sophie Allsopp shared in fructifying an absolutely whimsical prayer book for children.  It sat around unappreciated for a few years while my oldest was a baby and toddler, fiddling with and collecting all the amiable prayer cards.  But now that she is older and we, as a family, are beginning our walk with God, Dear God... has become a significant and treasured Blueberry Book in our home.